Framtidsplan för fisketurism

För första gången presenterar natur- och fisketurismens företrädare en gemensam nationell plan för fisketurismens utveckling. En framtidsplan för en bransch där ökad biologisk mångfald, en miljöanpassning av vattenkraften och hållbara bestånd av bland annat lax, gädda, öring och gös skapar fler jobb och högre exportintäkter.


Läs hela pressreleasen på Ekoturismföreningens hemsida >>>


Ladda hem Framtidsplanen för Fiskturism som pdf-fil >>>


Camp Dragsö 2015 season opens early



The fishing in the Karlskrona Archipelago has been really good the last week, and pictured above are head guide Daniel Wickman with a 10+ fish. Read more at their blog here >>>, and also note the opening day of the camp; 19 march. 


Swedish Fishing at Sportfiskemässan fair, 20-22 march 2015



SwedenFishing will attend the fishing fair at ELMIA fair ground in Jönköping 20-22 March 2015. There will be several fishing camps and entrepreneurs in the the stand who will show their product line and offers for fishing season 2015. 


More info at FishingFair website:


Catch & Release - How to do it right



Even if this short video is from New Zealand, it holds true for all fish all over the world when they shall be released. Here´s the short list of Do´s:

- Use barbless, single hooks as much as possible or flatten the barb.
- Use a long-nosed pliers for easy hook removal.
- Bring the fish in as quickly as possible to avoid over-exhaustion.
- Use equipment & line/tippet strong enough to land the fish quickly.
- Use a net with a soft, knotless, cotton mesh, or rubber net. 
- Wet your hands before touching the fish, and always grasp it very gently. 
- Keep the fish in the net, in the water all the time during the release. 
- For a trophy image, make a quick lift out of the water and immediately snap the picture. 
- Release the fish in clear, undisturbed water. 
- If the fish is exhausted, support it in the water until it swims away. 

New camp Tyttbo Forsfiske



A new camp is addede to the Sweden Fishing website; Tyttbo Forsfiske. It is located near the Tyttbo rapids in river Nedre Dalälven and offer both fishing for trout and grayling in running water as well as still water fishing for pike, perch and zander in Färnebofjärden. 


Read more here:


Kayak fishing for salmon in the Baltic Sea




Last summer mr Jim Sammons from the Kayak Fishing Show visited  Karlskrona, Sweden to fish with Jackson Kayak pro team members from across Europe. With the help of Gunnar Ahlström from Pikestrike Sweden, this multi-national team is on the hunt for pike, trout, salmon, and cod. In this short episode the boys hook up with the crew from Sandhamn Marine and go for open water salmon in the Baltic Sea. 


Below some links connected to the show:


The Kayak Fishing Show website:


The YouTube Channel:


PikeStrike Fishing Camp, Sweden:


Sandhamn Marine Fishing Camp, Sweden:     


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