Movie Brovillan fishing camp



In this movie the two anglers Florian Läufer and Christian Fuchert from German angler magazine Rute & Rolle visit lake Stora Nätaren and fishing camp Brovillan. Mainly they target pelagic zander, fish with vertical jigging and dropshot methods. 


Summary in German language: Angeln in Schweden. Südlich vom riesigen Vättern-See liegt die Region Småland. Für die Rute&Rolle Kollegen Florian Läufer und Christian Fuchert hieß es hier Ende Juni ein Woche lang: Zander anglen. Im Focus stand das pelagische Fischen - aber auch beim Angeln mit der Drop Shot Montage oder beim Jiggen auf Zander konnten die beiden etliche Fische überlisten.  


Here is a link to fishing camp Brovillan at >>>


Here is the link to the movie at >>>


Cod & salmon in Simrishamn




From mr Johan Abelsson at AbelFishing we get many reports about good fishing in the Baltic Sea around the little town of Simrishamn in south Sweden. Salmon is Johan´s main quest, but for many of his summer clients the fishing for cod is another highlight. Here is a short translated report:


Has guided many anglers during the summer and all have caught cod in good numbers. Nice customers who have houses on Österlen or have rented summer residents. Constant fishing for cod not too far out at see, and all the guests have got more cod than they had expected. Many small but also a lot of very nice ones over 5 kg. It has at times been so intense fishing that the guests almost got tired arms when we found the big shoals. Self-caught cod for dinner a great thing, tastier fish is hard to find! Now it has started blowing fresh south-westerly and westerly winds and it looks set to continue for a while. This means that the surface water is blown out and it gets cooler along the coast, which always attracts the salmon in large numbers. A normal day we get in contact with 5-10 salmons in August if the wind is just right. During August I run both half days and full days and one can choose both salmon or cod fishing.


Johans blog (in Swedish language) is nice reading (and looking at pictures!) for all anglers:


Read more about Abel Fishing at >>>


Lapland guide service



German fishing magazine Fisch & Fliege visited J.L Guidning in Swedish Lapland this summer. Writer and photographer ElmarElfers spent a week in the are and fished for graylig, trout, salmon and pike with good result! 


More info here about J.L Guiding on >>>


The website of Fisch & Fliege >>>






The summer in Sweden has been really nice and warm, and for the trout and salmon anglers it´s been a difficult time with high water temps and low flows. But the perch fishing has been top class in many lakes and rivers, and many nice specimens has been caught. 


Pike in Northern Sweden



In this video, Stefan "Trumman" Trumstedt visits Northern Sweden where he fishes for big, post-spawn pike - first in a big lake together with Jörgen Söderström and then in a big river with CWC Fishing Team member Jon Persson. Trumman also gives some good tips on how to rig the Pig Shad and Bandit Shad with shallow screw and also with the new Flexhead Pike.


Movie - Gotland Seatrout



Here is a short instructional movie about fly fishing for searun brown trout on the island of Gotland, south Sweden. 


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