New fishing camp added - March 2014



Again we can proudly present some new fishing camps throughout Sweden which are added to the SwedenFishing network. 


Wilderness Life - Activities & experiences in the nature is our main focus here at Wilderness Life and you can enjoy adventures such as fishing, hunting and bushcraft or why not just come to Lapland to relax and enjoy the tranquility, the nature and life?

We have chosen Lapland as our location, which many regard as Europe's last untouched wilderness. A lot of waters up here in Lapland are crystal clear and so pure that you could almost drink from them. The region has more than 4.000 lakes, 4 rivers and an endless amount of forest, nature and wilderness with an abundant of wildlife. Here you can experience the animals and nature in its real environment. 


Read more here about Wilderness Life in Swedish Lapland, hunting, fishing and nature experiences >>>


Sågarbo Herrgård - Welcome to well equiped cotteges at the manor Sågarbo Herrgård. We are located by a nature reserve and surounded by beautiful beaches by the Baltic sea. Perfect for a week or a couple of days vacation.


Read more here about Sågarbo Herrgård near the mouth of river Nedre Dalalven / Dalälven >>>


Råneälven Fishing Camp - Råne River and especially its mouth at the Gulf of Bothnia is known in Sweden for its incredible pike fishing. Large pikes are caught here every year. Fishes of the meter is not unusual. Even lengths as 110 and 120 cm exist in relatively good amount. In the mouth, you can also experience a really fun fishing for perch, when both the amount and size is surprisingly good. The fishing camp is located on the harbor Kängsön, east of Råneå. When I say “in the harbor”, I really mean it, because you live in a houseboat. Adjacent to the houseboat, you also have a boat that you in minutes can take you to Råneälvens mouth and storgäddornas kingdom.


Read more here about Råneälven Fishing Camp, located where river Råneälven / Ranealven enters the Baltic Sea >>> 


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