Test fishing in a couple of lakes

Last Saturday me and my trainee from the SportfishingAcademy went for some days of test fishing in the area of Kronogård Vildmark. This huge area is full of small lakes with both plenty of fish and sometimes nothing at all. You really have to find your own lovely little spot. When my grandfather droped us of, the rain falled down and the thunder was just above us. Both me and Elias got wet and we had to dry our stuff. That's why we choiced to sleep in a cabin the first night. I can promise you that I really loved the mosquitos that night...


Day two, and we hadn't found any good places. But we had succeded to caught some fishes, like perch and trout, wich became today's dinner. Fish, potato, chanterelle, red onion and some butter in a package of folie over the fire... Mmm, that tasted amazing! This night we slept in my tent, and it was in fact really comfortable!


The last day we actually had nice weather. It was sunny and clear. This day we founded a lake with a nice population of brook trout. There were in all sizes, wich is a sign of rejuvenation. This is a lake that I definately could go to with guests! When we were going home, we stopped by a bigger lake to eat and make som casts. But no fish! While I was making some food over the fire, Elias screamed! He saw a huge char swimming after his bait and then turn around. He told me that the fish had to weigh at least 4 kg. I saw the true fear in Elias eyes, he was broken inside!



//Markus, TeilusFishing

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