Älvkarleby Sportfishing
Fishing License, 1 day
Spin and fly fishing for sea trout and salmon in the running waters of river Nedre Dalälven. Spin fishing and fly fishing.
Included in package
Included in the package//Day permit: Adult: 250 SEK (1/6–31/7, 500 SEK). Youth 50 SEK. Family 290 SEK during the period from the third Saturday in March – 31 May and 1/8–30/11
Weekly permit: Adult 900 SEK (1/6–31/7, 2000 SEK).
Season permit: Adult 4,500 SEK.
Price fr. 250 SEK/day
Add-ons//Guiding. Minimum 3 hours. Cost depending on preferences
Additional information
Booking: travel agent
Contact information
Company: Älvkarleby Sportfishing
Address: Fiskekontoret / Forskarstigen 14B
Zip/City: SE-814 94 Älvkarleby
Phone: +46(0)26-729 16
Website: www.alvkarlebysportfiske.nu
Email: alvkarleby.sportfiske@telia.com