Mörrums Kronolaxfiske



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Salmon fishing in river Mörrumsån has a very long tradition, with royal connections since time immemorial. The original spears were gradually replaced by salmon tubs, hoop nets, salmon seines and salmon nets, which were in use as late as the mid 1960s. Today, however, all commercial salmon fishing has ceased, but the old permanent fishing areas at Kungsforsen and Hönebygget, can still be seen. The only other salmon and sea trout fishing allowed is angling.


At the fishing office by river Mörrumsån we speak Swedish, English and German.


Fishing season: Mars 30th - September 30th. In the event of thick ice at the beginning of April, fishing may be cancelled. Fishing area etc.: The Crown Salmon Fishery has 32 pools. The southern section pools 1 - 16 “the northern section pools 17 - 32 and the area Vittskövle, Knaggalid and Härnäs. Blue signs mark the boundaries between the respective pools. The pools are reserved for fly- spin fishing.

Other activities

Karlshamns Turistbyrå will gladly help you with information about Karlshamn, Mörrum and the surrounding area. You can book cottages in the archipelago, on the coast, near lakes and in the middle of the forest, with us!

Additional information

The number of anglers in the early years was relatively few, but today the Crown Salmon Fishery attracts some 12-13 000 anglers annually. The daily number of anglers is restricted. About half of these are foreigners coming from some 20 different countries.



30.09.2009, Salmon, 125 cm, 19,96 kg, Fly, Pool 19, Brüggen Olaf.
24.09.2005, Seatrout, 96 cm, 11,6 kg, Fly, Pool 17, Barna Jani.
9.03.2009, Rainbow trout, 73 cm, 4,32 kg, Fly, Pool 1, Lippold Steffen.


Next to The Angling office is a restaurant where you can eat everything from the “Speciality of the day” to a luxurious à la Carte meal, or even just simply enjoy a cup of coffee. Guide service is available through the Angling Office.

Fishing equipment

The spinning-rod should be between 9-10 feet and be able to cope with bait between 20-40g. Cast or spin reels should be equipped with approx. 200 m of line, with a minimum tensile strength of 8 kg. The spin-fly method is the most popular. Fly rods should be a minimum of 14 feet, class 10-11. The line should be sinking, or fast sinking and the leader should have a minimum tensile strength of 8 kg. Flies and bait used during this period are rather large, 5-8 cm and are red, orange or light brown in color.

Fishing regulations

Personal fishing permits are to be obtained at the angling office at Mörrum. The fishing permit should be clearly visible while fishing and be presented on request for closer examination to any member of the staff. A booked fishing area does not give one the right to begin fishing before the fishing permit is paid for and collected. All other rules will be presented when license is collected.



Stay in our fishing paradise. We can offer simple, but basic, accommodation close to the fishing office and the Mörrum River, indeed, some with views over the running water. It is possible to do your own catering or take your meals in the restaurant, which is part of the office complex. In the village of Mörrum there are several accommodation alternatives available, from hotels to basic cabins.


Location & transfer

River Mörrumsån is located next to the little village of Mörrum, found some 4 km upstream from the river mouth, in the southeast corner of Sweden. The distance to Karlshamn is 10 km, Karlskrona 60 km, Malmö 140 km and Copenhagen 170 km.

GPS (WGS 84)

Lat: 56.19167, Long: 14.74844

Booking: travel agent


Contact information

Company: Mörrums Kronolaxfiske
Address: Laxens Hus
Zip/City: SE-375 21 Mörrum
Phone: +46(0)454 501 23
Website: www.morrum.com
Email: morrum@sveaskog.se

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