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All materials contained on this site are protected by Swedish copyright law and may not be reproduced, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission from .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Photos or illustrations may not be reused in any context. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Regarding the use of PDF-files see below.


Copyright © SwedenFishing. All rights reserved.




We have worked hard to ensure that information on is correct. Still, cannot guarantee the accuracy of nor do we accept responsibility for any inconvenience or expense occurred when the information on the website is used. It is always the visitor’s responsibility to check that the information presented for any tourist company and/or travel goal found on is correct and answers to the required needs. External links provided on form are for the voluntary use of the visitor. does not guarantee content and correctness. reserves the right to make changes, corrections and improvements to the website without prior notification.




Commercial advertising on is possible with banners in two different sizes. Please click this link >>> or icon below to open our Web Advertising Info & Pricelist (in Swedish only) as a PDF file in a separate tab or window. Of course you are also welcome to contact us for more information: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)





Sweden Fishing
c/o Nedre Dalälvens Intresseförening
Kölnavägen 25
SE-810 21 Gysinge

Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)   



Printouts (pdf)

You are welcome to make printouts (pdf) of the company and product presentations on the website. Simply download them to your own computer. The separate companies are responsible for their correctness.




There are three levels on the website.


- The first level provides general information about fishing experiences in Sweden, together with advice for travel, climate and nature.


- On the second level you will find an introduction to the three regions in the country – south, central and north – as well as more detailed information. These two levels are translated to the ten languages chosen by the Visit Sweden organisation.

- The third level holds detailed information in English about the cooperating fishing tourism companies, including fishing package trips. These packages can be downloaded as pdf-files and include information on booking.

Use either the headlines or various text-links to navigate on Clicking on the map allows you to search on all three levels by name, species and fishing style.





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